Today is a Special Day…
Daily Meditation 469–6/9/2023
How many of us know this person:
No matter what, they’re “Oh, I’m here,” or “Hangin’ in there,” or “Livin’ the dream.”
Broadly are bound by negative emotions.
They treat every damn day like it’s a burden.
Everything is exhausting and they’re unenthusiastic for life, generally.
Then there’s this:
National burger day — “We better have a burger, today.”
Casual Fridays.
Sunday is “cheat day” for the diet.
So which is it?
Is every day a terrible, heavy, nasty, burdensome beast?
Or is it “special” in some remote, absurd way due to some singular reason?
My personal motto:
Every day is a good day, just some are better than others.
You get to decide if you’re gonna be mad in the shoes you’re wearing or happy in them.
Why opt to perceive your world negatively?
Why believe your life is some battered, bludgeoned, bloated corpse being drug along?
Do you not see the trees exploding in green?
See the newborn animals in full array?
Get your paycheck like clockwork, along with flick a switch for electricity 100% of the time, hot water on demand from a tap, and have access to all the knowledge in history (the internet)?
What in the world makes life so unbearable?
Could it not always be worse?
You spilled your water all over you…At least it wasn’t boiling.
Your boss didn’t give you the promotion…At least she didn’t fire you.
Your spouse is leaving you with the kids…At least you didn’t lose your child.
You’re horribly sick with a fever…At least you aren’t filled with cancer.
Instead of holding self-pity and contempt for the world, erect yourself up a bit and readjust your perception to that which could’ve been worse, instead of that which you misperceive is better.
What happens happens.
Treat every day like it is a gift — there’s no promise tomorrow won’t see you at the bottom of a stairwell with a shattered pelvis, cracked skull, and lacerated innards. Be grateful for that which is now.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”