Daily Meditation #208–9/18/2022
Traversing life is not unlike walking in the woods.
You must carefully mind your footing.
If you constantly look behind you for bear or mountain lions, you are safe, yes, but unable to enjoy the beauty you are immersed in before you.
If you mind your feet too closely, you cannot see enough ahead for where you are going and can quickly end up off the path, lost and aimless.
If you only look ahead, you will trip and stumble over the roots and brush sprawling right beneath you.
We must be careful and conscientious, but also willing to take risks.
We must be goal and systems oriented for the future.
All while being in the now, being grateful for that which we have as we move towards those goals through our systems.
Enjoy the walk.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”