Stuff, Things, Trinkets!
Daily Meditation #369–2/28/2023
Having a lot of stuff means a lot of responsibility.
This can make for a real headache.
A big house means more rugs, floors, curtains, more space for more things.
A bigger yard is more mowing, more tools, more maintenance.
all these things and all the stuff you stick in the home and in your yard must be maintained, kept in their places, and cared for.
That’s more responsibility.
More time.
More money.
More stress.
More stuff to break or need care.
Be willing to let go of some of your stuff. This will give you less responsibility and by extension, less stress.
You don’t have to go full minimalist, but just be willing to challenge your assumptions about your relationships with your stuff.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”