Member-only story
“Show Me Your Report Card”
Daily Meditation 692–1/19/2024
Do you remember when, in elementary school, you had your first fistfight? Some other kid wouldn’t share, or called you a name, or took something off your lunch and, unable to control yourself, you decked them right in the face?
You first spoke to the principal, who lectured you and threw you (probably crying) into detention before calling your parents. Then, all day long, that future conversation hung over your head.
Eventually, you’d get home to a stern talking to from mom, and then later, dad. Maybe even a whack on the ass or three, or no supper, or a long grounding. Or worse, depending, they took away your Nintendo or even smashed it apart.
Or maybe you goofed off in middle school (or high), not taking math seriously. At first you though “I can just get my grade up later.” Then it became “Well, this semester is shot, I guess I’ll do better next one.” But the day it arrived, well…It’s a rock solid “F.” The bold, thick lines of the F walloping you very soul, sticking in your throat like a fishbone.
Growing up, my father was the principal.
So, when I got in trouble at school, I first went into the office to see him as the administrator. He was not easy on me. Then I rode home with him where he’d lambast me more. And finally home, I got it…