Daily Meditation 979–11/7/2024
A simple DM for today.
New Years Eve is around the corner — a mere 54 days.
Yes, we have Thanksgiving feasts, Christmas baking, and Christmas dinner (and my birthday, but y’all are forgiven for missing that) as well as NYE itself, of course…
We have these all along with their surplus 50–100% calorie days (or weeks, good Heavens), but so many of us look forward to the New Year Resolutions almost with excitement as we overindulge.
By the end of December, once I’ve put on a good 10 pounds and am edging near to 190, I start thinking “Gee, I can’t wait for the New Year…”
Whether it’s losing 50 pounds or reading more or joining a local committee or more volunteering, I ask you
Why are you waiting for the New Year?
Instead, I implore you start today!
This way, you have a 54 day head start.
And you can accomplish a great deal in 54 days. Heck, attending a gym during the holiday feasting will probably make your weight gains far less!
So, in closing — why wait to start your resolution? If it’s something you can do today then get a go on it, now, instead of waiting. You won’t regret leaping while you’re motivated instead of hoping for motivation when it isn’t promised.