Poetry I — Summer

Lucas A. Davidson
2 min readJul 6, 2024

Daily Meditation 858–7/6/2024

(Generally my creative writing is to be found on one of my other Medium accounts here. But, as we should be regularly exercising good gratitude meditation, I thought starting a periodical utilizing poetry may be another way of demonstrating gratitude. Gratitude Meditation isn’t always “Lord God, thank you for the hot, clean, instant water I have on-demand in my house,” (or the secular version thereof).
Sometimes, we can use arts — such as poetry — to equally express the good glory and beauty of the world.)

(I do not profess to be a “professional” nor “rigorous” poet. I will not write these soliloquys in a iambic tetrameter etc…)

The clouds crawl lazily over the distant hills
Those patchy-grown rollers like an agéd man’s head
A splotch of trees here, a smattering there of shrubs
And just there a great plain of weeds and gorse.
The shadows of those good clouds creep yawningly
Across those hills, untold creatures grateful for the
Heat’s reprieve amidst the droughts and scorch.
Cicadas bzzzzzzzz grasshoppers clap birdlings peepeepeepeep
All of creation sings in their own voices
“Glory glory glory!”
A great, beautiful cacophony of life, life, life.
Rock and sand and pebble and stone
Grind and clatter under feet of babes as they race
They race to the tree, the great rock, the telephone pole
The end of the lane, the playground, the lake…
Surely the myriad rocks adore the rolling over by the children
In their joyous play and abundant energy from dusk to dawn.
The fields of



Lucas A. Davidson

Daily philosophical meditations on Eudaimonia. These are distillations from the forthcoming book on the topic. Comments or jobs: lucas@multistatewide.com