
Lucas A. Davidson
1 min readSep 5, 2024

Daily Meditation 917–9/4/2024

A short Meditation for today. Short and with a simple message:

Cherish your parents and enjoy your time with them, especially if you’re younger today.

Just as our Death Meditations “preach” the understanding that tomorrow isn’t promised — you could choke on a sandwich all alone, have a sudden heart attack, or an aneurysm (all in your 30s, even) — the same exact scenarios apply to your folks.

Enjoy your dad’s “stupid dad jokes.”
Enjoy your mother’s driving you to do a good job cleaning XYZ.
Enjoy their weekly “Sunday Evening phone call.”
Enjoy their specific flourish when making roast beef (and find out how!)

They may get 25 more years, they may live to 101.
They just as likely could die at 59, the day after retirement from a car accident.

Cherish and honor your parents while you’ve got them.

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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”



Lucas A. Davidson

Daily philosophical meditations on Eudaimonia. These are distillations from the forthcoming book on the topic. Comments or jobs: