Never Apologize
Daily Meditation — 5/7/2022
Relationship Wellness Segment of YouDaimonia
We all believe in a great many things — some more implicitly than others.
That the Earth is, in fact round.
That we are a good person.
However, many things — such as politics, religion, or finances — are much stronger opinions.
Never apologize for whatever you believe in. As long as your beliefs cause no harm or take nothing from others, you’ve got no reason to apologize. (And no, words don’t count as harm)
In holding these beliefs, many near and dear to us, we also run the risk of allowing them to calcify our minds.
We must have the ability to take our views or opinions, pluck them from our hearts and minds, temporarily compartmentalizing them away to listen to others.
Others may have much to teach us about their world.
Their views.
Their perceptions.
You don’t need to believe any of it, but there is a near perfect chance you can learn something.
After all…
If your beliefs, views, and opinions are so good, then why would you be afraid of something so minute as listening to or learning about other views?
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”