Daily Meditation 894–8/11/2024
Even though today is my one year wedding anniversary, surprise! I’m not even writing about my love :)
We sometimes tend to think of love as something that happens to us. Or something we give.
But really, love is all around us, even if it’s not about us.
The birds feeding one another and their young.
The elderly couple still holding one another’s veiny, age-spotted hands as they shuffle into Walmart, 60+ years into marriage.
The way a baby beholds their mother.
The budding teens, chock full of brain-addling hormones giddily gawking at one another.
The dying cancer patient laughing well at memories in their deathbed at the hospital, surrounded by reminiscing family.
When you are discouraged at the state of things — illness, politics, war — it sometimes pays to “KISS,” Keep It Simple, Stupid…to look around and soak up the love everywhere.
Yes, there certainly are so many things to feel badly about, but love is a constant reminder. It will always be more dominant in the world than any anger or hate.
In summary — don’t be too discouraged. Look wide and far around you to animals, other people, and to nature to behold the volume of love which defines existence far more than anything else.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”