Just Let it Out
Daily Meditation #240–10/20/2022
“What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.”
This old Jewish proverb is very correct, in my estimation.
Just as we sometimes overwork our body, becoming grimy, sticky with sweat and carrying the burden of the “filth of the day,” so too do we accumulate this filth in our soul.
But, with our poor soul, we tend to go overlong between “baths.”
Us men, especially, allow the sticky soils of years to gather upon the mantle of our souls. Sickness, death, expenses, accidents…
We stoicly gather it up.
However, everyone — men or women — just let it out.
Sit with pen and paper and pour out the heavy burdens the Atlases of your souls are breaking their backs with.
Write, write, write.
Let loose your tears, shamelessly…
…for what even is “shame?”
It certainly is not tears, sobbing, or weeping.
Take the time to make sauna for your soul, just as you do for your bodily vessel.
You will feel refreshed and renewed.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”