Just Built Different

Lucas A. Davidson
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Daily Meditation 813–5/21/2024

If you ACTUALLY attempt to function on 4 or 5 hours a night, you’ll probably be this guy in a few weeks (as well as terribly sick)

You’ve heard this before:

“I can eat anything I want. I never gain weight and have always looked athletic.”

“I never get sick. I could have you cough right in my face all day and I’d be fine.”

“My grandma smoked her whole life and never had cancer. I won’t get it from my pack-a-day, either.”

Or, “Yeah — I only need like…4 or 5 hours of sleep every night and I function just fine.”

All followed by a phrase:

“I guess I’m just built different.”

Now, perhaps they never really followed it with that phrase, but all of us have met these people.

Beside them sounding literally like the ever laughable Dwight Schrute (never a great comparison), no one believes them.

And I know right now you’re probably wondering if you, yourself, have ever uttered things like these. I know as a young, foolhardy 20-something (I’m currently a middle-aged, foolhardy 36), I loudly touted my slender physique and supposed lack of need for sleep…and I’m certain I looked, well, like a fool and was only sniggered at.

Here’s the theme of the DM today:



Lucas A. Davidson

Daily philosophical meditations on Eudaimonia. These are distillations from the forthcoming book on the topic. Comments or jobs: lucas@multistatewide.com