I’m Not Afraid! You Will Be…You…Will……Be…
Daily Meditation 829–6/7/2024
A short DM today. One about fear.
As we’ve written so many times in previous Meditations, everything comes from within, perception-wise.
Someone calling us something nasty.
Someone hating us.
Someone flipping us off.
Whatever is in their heart we will never know. Sure, we can draw conclusions from their behaviors, but we aren’t mind readers.
However, how we perceive their behaviors, well, we can control!
And the same goes with fear.
Fear comes from within the self, not from outside.
The giant dog bellowing at you? Is he forcing you to fear him?
The neighbor staring at you every time you go outside? Are they forcing you to be afraid?
The threat of losing your job? Is your HR or boss forcing you to feel fear?
No — your sense of fear comes from within.
Now, certainly imagination plays into things. When you go for a walk in the dead of night in a graveyard or a forest without any lights, yeah…you’re imagining all kinds of things which kick up fears. But the darkness you’re submerged in doesn’t have a gun to your head…