Member-only story
If You’re Wrong
Daily Meditation 1,081–2/20/2025
It’s such a simple concept on paper or as advice to others…
But, if you’re wrong (or in the wrong), just own it.
You rear-ended a coworker because you were on your phone? You’re wrong, own the mistake.
You left your plates on the bench at the gym and a guy calls you on it? “I’m sorry, man, I guess I forgot! I was wrong, thanks for reminding me bro.”
You forgot to submit an important report to your boss on time. You messed up. Don’t make excuses, admit it and ask how to help fix it.
You forgot your anniversary (ouch…). You are in the wrong. Accept the “dog house,” apologize, and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
You screwed up how you wrote a contract, leaving a client in a bad situation? You better admit you are wrong and get working on fixing it, if you can.
So often when we are cornered in a lie, an error, or some other mistake where we are WRONG we double down, try to dodge it or make excuses. Sometimes an excuse can work, but excuses erode others’ trust in our competence.
Solution? Accept the wrongness. Be honest, be genuine in your contriteness and small in your ego. Accept being wrong. Being willing to admit you are wrong you will FEEL makes you look “stupid” or “weak” but in honesty has the opposite effect.
Admitting wrongness nearly always will garner respect as doing so is not only the right thing to do, but generally always feels “yucky” and weak.
So just admit the wrongness and make things right.