I Wish You to Fail
Daily Meditation 502–7/12/2023
That’s right.
I hope you fail.
I hope you lose.
I hope you’re called names.
I hope you undergo adversity.
And you should desire it, as well.
It is failing that makes you look at yourself, your strategies, your life and reassess how to improve.
It is in losing that you become a better sport for when you win.
It is when you’re verbally battered that you learn empathy and love for others.
Adversity is the whetstone upon which your flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities are ground away forming you into a stronger tool for the world.
Adversity is the anvil, hammer, and forge in which your weak, rusted edge is reforged into a glorious, gleaming new form.
It is during the difficulties that we gain perspective and gratitude for the good times.
You will not have “good times” all times, so embrace the bad with honor and be desirous of some adversity.
You’ll come out the other end just fine — better than ever.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”