Member-only story
Hard Work, Body Positivity & Ozempic
Daily Meditation 809–5/17/2024
(Before we jump into this, I nearly decided to publish this on my slightly “edgier” and slightly more politically-leaned blog, but felt it still belonged here as it pertains to Eudaimonia and the pursuit of the better-self.)
This may, in fact, be just me, but did anyone else notice that much of the “body positivity” movement sort of disappeared when Ozempic became mainstream the last year or so?
It seems like for many years — from perhaps 2016ish — the Western world was building towards a body positivity sort of attitude. We saw obese people on the covers of major magazines for swimsuits, lingerie, and more — and we also saw those companies not have good market responses to this.
Phrases such as “healthy at any weight” became normalized. Plus-sized models started being sprinkled in with the “model classique.”
Today’s DM is not about what healthy weights are — although you, I, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry and your brother all know what good health looks like.
No, today’s DM is about hard work and not letting ourselves veil shortcomings beneath clouds of excuses.
Now that Ozempic exists (in addition to, I believe, other pharmaceutical options), skinny is coming back. Did you notice?