Member-only story
Happy for you
Daily Meditation 916–9/3/2024
This morning for work, I had to drive over an hour away. Running just a smidge ahead of schedule, I decided to stop at a little diner for breakfast — a farmer’s omelet sounded fantastic with buttery, swirled rye bread.
It was pretty much empty.
Myself at a booth, one older woman two booths down, then one other older woman at a table slightly behind me in an alcove tucked behind the main entrance.
As I got coffee, these two gals were talking loudly to one another — usually it’s not normal for people in a restaurant to shout conversation from such a distance, but it was a planned surprise for another friend!
Well, turns out the yet-to-arrive friend was there to visit the lady in the booth. It’d been years since they’d seen one another, apparently. As it so happened, the other gal at the table happened to also be in town and also hadn’t seen her in many years. Fortuitous.
Another older couple moseyed into the diner and sat at the next booth beside the one gal, got their coffee and were pretty comatose…
Until the mystery friend arrived.
She made her way over to booth-woman, they had a big, bear hug and she took a seat.