Gratitude Meditation XIV
Daily Meditation #422–4/23/2023
Just a week ago, it was 80f (nearly 30c!) here in the Upper Peninsula.
The heat wave felt like a surprise to many, but it really does happen every spring.
We get one giant blizzard with a few feet of snow…
Then we have an absolute tropic blast for a few days…
…and then? It cools off and we get snow again — which we woke to this morning!
And boy do the social media feeds get bitter with complaints about where we live!
But here’s the thing:
You can choose to be happy with day you’ve got…
Or you can choose to be sour with the day you’ve got.
Either way, you’re sitting in it, so make a good choice!
Aim for gratitude.
You may have a cold week, but be grateful for the appetizer of shorts and tanks you had last week.
You may be incredibly sore and exhausted, but be grateful for the time and ability to go to the gym.
You may be nearly broke, but be grateful for the full pantry and paid bills — and the family to share them with.
Again — you can choose to be happy or sour with each thing.
So try to find the gratitude in each opportunity and go with that.
As for me?
One last chill means I get to enjoy the “scruffy” warmth of my favorite wool blankets a few more nights! Much to be grateful for!
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”