Member-only story
Good Morning
Daily Meditation #336–1/26/2023
Though in the book we talk about the entire psychological and physical system of improving sleep, let’s today touch on just one element of improving the morning:
Getting out of bed.
This is for many of us something that’s easy to do yet the most difficult at the same time.
One of the keys to a great morning is to get up the first damn time the alarm goes off. Snoozing it makes you even more tired and then agitated when you finally get up.
Now you get up to the dog peeing on the floor.
To your child waking up crying.
To the sound of your spouse rustling in the kitchen.
Your neighbors slamming their doors and arguing.
This means your sleep was interrupted and broken on someone else's’ terms.
Getting up when the alarm goes off means you wake on your terms and you choose how your day starts.
Choosing the way your day starts puts YOU in control.
Giving it over to chance or others means you grant control to them.
So how the heck do I get out of bed when it goes off?
Some of the advice given in the upcoming book:
- Ensure the alarm is a song…