Experience vs Orgasm

Lucas A. Davidson
2 min readJul 3, 2024

Daily Meditation 855–7/3/2024

So much of our life we believe we want something, get it, and then are disappointed as it’s not what we’ve expected. Hence “orgasm” in the title. We chase the “orgasm” of a new car, a big payday, a hot significant other, or whatever else. The immediate “hit” of that orgasm.

But, like an orgasm, so often once over it’s not what we’ve expected.


Even more often in life, we chase said “orgasm” and never get it. “You don’t always get what you want,” as the shrill song from the Stones goes. And how do you feel when you fail to get what you want?

Disappointed. Despondent. Depressed.

As always I have a useful reframe:

Experience is what you are gifted when you don’t get what you want.

A great example is that attractive spouse.

When we’re young — like High School age — we think a “hot” significant other is important. So we chase that “orgasm,” both literally and for social reasons.

You pursue and pursue. But you get friendzoned. Shot down.
However, as you age, you begin paying more attention and realize those “hot” ones are actually either miserable themselves or are miserable to be around. Narcissistic…



Lucas A. Davidson

Daily philosophical meditations on Eudaimonia. These are distillations from the forthcoming book on the topic. Comments or jobs: lucas@multistatewide.com