Daily Meditation #156–7/28/2022
Everyone says they are “good.” They think they are good, too.
And yet, they have sour attitudes towards others who they fundamentally disagree with. It’s all over social media:
The same people who would ensconce their profile pictures with banners and ribbons showing their virtues will vomit vitriol onto those who they perceive as opposed.
How can one be “good” and have enemies?
If you are “good” as you pretend to be, you should perceive no enemies.
Those who stand in opposition to you in views and beliefs you should embrace and seek to understand instead of demonize and rend with your words.
When you speak with vitriol but act virtuously, you are behaviorally inconsistent. You aren’t a bad person, so quit acting like one!
Don’t hate others.
As the Bible itself says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
Whether or not you pursue spirituality via Christianity or not, this is a hard statement to disagree with.
Be good to all.
This includes your “enemies.”
Follow for daily philosophical meditations.
These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”