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Death Meditation II
Daily meditation — 3/25/2022
Fitness, proper diet, good sleep…
All are essential to a long, satisfactory life and are mandatory for a Eudaimonic life.
But, focusing on good diet, exercise or other “magic spells” which frustrate Death need to be remembered as only effective so long as we die of great age…
Despite all these great and daily efforts, Death can still reap you at any time.
A car wreck.
A sudden infection.
An aneurysm.
For all of our cunning and strain on the managerial minutia of life, none of us can fully outsmart Death.
Meditate deeply and often on mortality.
Respect Death, appreciate your finiteness.
Come to terms with and learn to love the limitations and shortness of life…for without limitations, you would never appreciate it at all.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”