Call to Arms
Daily Meditation #237–10/17/2022
You are a loser.
Or, at least, your behaviors are making you a loser.
You act like a loser…
Eating garbage too often.
Watching pornography.
Not reading challenging books.
You don’t take on more responsibility at work.
Avoiding learning how to invest because you “could lose it.”
Sitting on your ass, watching reruns of The Office, every day.
Making excuses to drink or do drugs.
You most certainly are not a loser…
So why do you act like one?
You don’t need to act perfectly all the time.
But you cannot keep this up.
Act in a manner consistent with the person you aspire to be…
And, some of these behaviors will be sacrificing pleasure and sloth on the altar of who you are, today.
Follow for daily philosophical meditations.
These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”