
Lucas A. Davidson
3 min readNov 18, 2023

Daily Meditation 630 – 11/18/2023

There are some bullies in the world. But most bad interactions with others don’t come from hatred of our gayness, blackness, religion, weight, height, hair color, etc etc etc…

Not everyone in our world is a good person. Nor will some people ever be good. I’m of the belief that there are genuinely “Satanic” individuals who regardless of how their lives began or turned out they would’ve become bad.

There simply are bad people in the world who will treat everyone badly, no matter how rich they are, how loved they are, how much sex they get, how much power they…



Lucas A. Davidson

Daily philosophical meditations on Eudaimonia. These are distillations from the forthcoming book on the topic. Comments or jobs: