Abolishing Slavery.
Daily Meditation #411–4/12/2024
You’re a slave, black, white, or whatever color you are.
Not to chains or deed.
To bottles, pills, syringes, cigarettes, marijuana or shrooms.
You’re a slave to these items.
Many of you may free yourself from drinking, but then turn yourself over to the shackles of cigarettes.
You may free yourself from smoking cigarettes and instead don the ball and chain of marijuana.
Or coffee. Or sweets.
And you may, in fact, find the key to these shackles, freeing yourself from sugar, caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, weed, or pills.
But perhaps worst, you are a slave to your misperceptions.
“They called me an ‘incompetent idiot!’ I can’t believe it, that really hurts my feelings.”
“My family was poor. I’ve always been poor. My dad had heart disease and diabetes. I’ll probably die young, too.”
You have these perceptions of yourself and of others.
While the world may insist on you being whatever negative label, it is only your perception that makes it true or real.
You are only whatever you decide you are.
These are the real chains. The ones we willingly accept.
Abolish this slavery to your misperceptions and choose the manner through which you perceive the world and yourself.
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These are distillations from my coming book “YouDaimonia: the Ancient Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”